5 Ways to Reduce Brain Fog After Drinking Alcohol

A few ibuprofen and a massive glass of water can cure your basic hangover symptoms, but brain fog after drinking isn't always so easy to shake. If you struggle to focus and concentrate when you wake up from an evening of overindulgence, this guide can help you understand why it happens and what you can do to ward off the unwanted feeling of fatigued fuzziness that often accompanies a hangover.
What is Brain Fog?
Brain fog describes the very real cognitive effects of alcohol. You know that one too many glasses of prosecco can affect your ability to think clearly, but you might not realize that this lack of focus could last through the next day or even longer.1 Some of the most common symptoms of brain fog include:2
- Slowed thinking and processing
- Impaired memory
- Lack of alertness
- A "dull" or "dense" feeling, like you aren't getting the joke
- Loss of attention and motivation
- Difficulty completing tasks
Alcohol Brain Fog
What is alcohol brain fog? Brain fog related to drinking stems directly from alcohol's effects on the brain. Some scientists theorize that alcohol-induced confusion comes from increased inflammation around the brain cells.
Brain Fog Remedies After Drinking
While you'll be back to your sharp self shortly, taking these steps to alleviate brain fog can reduce your symptoms and help you get back up to speed. Here's what you need to know about how to reduce brain fog symptoms.
1. Take Care Of Your Physical Health
While you might not feel up for your typical Sunday morning spin class, a walk around the block helps when you have a hangover. You might find the fresh air has a revitalizing effect. Exercise also improves circulation, which helps the remaining toxins leave your body. Don't push yourself to do too much when feeling foggy after a night of drinking. Prioritize rest and be sure to return to a regular sleep schedule.
2. Make Sure to Destress
Mindfulness meditation can help you cope with the anxious feelings that can arise with too much alcohol. If you aren't sure where to start, plenty of online recordings provide simple guided meditations to slow racing thoughts and encourage internal peace. Breathing exercises regulate the heart rate and instill much-needed calm.
Stress relief can also be as simple as taking a hot bath while you listen to a few chapters of a juicy audiobook. Try soothing music, aromatherapy, gentle yoga, or any other ritual that brings you relaxation.
3. Exercise Your Brain
You probably don't feel mentally prepared for much beyond Netflix, but you can begin to banish brain fog by encouraging those synapses to fire. Download an easy word puzzle app or go old-school with a book of crosswords or Sudoku. By the end of the day, you'll be confident enough to switch from pencil to pen.
4. Spend Time Outside
Even just lounging in a sunny spot can dramatically improve your post-drinking outlook. Fresh air facilitates the process of toxin removal.
5. Cleanse Your Body
Detoxify's cleansing regimens take care of the toxins that make you feel foggy, cranky and dazed after drinking. Polisorb provides a digestive tract detox to reduce hangover symptoms that threaten to ruin your day. Take it before you go to sleep, while alcohol is still in your system, and you'll be grateful in the morning!
And, while coffee might be your go-to remedy for brain fog, it can actually increase anxiety and worsen dehydration.3 Instead, go for a vitamin and nutrient enhanced Detoxify herbal cleanse, like Ready Clean or Mega Clean. The increased liquid intake and stimulation of your circulatory system helps to hydrate faster than water alone.
Clear the Fog Shop Hangover Recovery Options
These quick tips can help lift the brain fog so you can think clearly and become your absolute best self once again.
1 https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/hangovers-probably-last-longer-than-you-realize
2 https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/hangover-symptoms
3 https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/heavy-drinking-dehydration-results