8 Natural Home Remedies for Consistent Gas & Bloating

Though gas and bloating are completely normal (most healthy adults pass gas between eight and 20 times per day!), they can put a real damper on your comfort and confidence.
The good news is for most people, gas and bloating are rarely signs of a larger health problem. Also, there are dozens of ways to achieve instant bloating relief without the burden of having to take over-counter-medications or prescription drugs. If you’re looking for ways to beat the bloat, check out our top bloating remedies.
Gas & Bloating Causes and Symptoms
Gas and bloating occur when the air becomes trapped in your digestive system. Though there are several ways in which this might happen, the most common causes include eating and drinking. It is not uncommon for people to swallow air when engaging in either activity, especially if they tend to do either quickly.
That said, eating and drinking aren’t the only causes of occasional bloat. Some other culprits are as follows:
- Food sensitivities
- Fibrous meals
- Eating too quickly
- Gastritis
- Dysbiosis
- Leaky gut, IBS or SIBO
- Sitting too long/inactivity
- Chronic stress
- Fizzy drinks
- Smoking
- Hormonal fluctuations
The best way to figure out what’s triggering your bloat is to keep a daily log of your meals, activities, and menstruation cycles, if applicable.
8 Tips For Beating Gas and Bloating Naturally
Just as the causes of gas and bloating are often simple, so are the remedies. For many people, the question of removing gas from the stomach is answered with minor dietary and lifestyle modifications.
1. Incorporate Daily Probiotics
One of the main causes of gas and bloating is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Your gut contains trillions of microorganisms, many of which are gas-releasing bacteria. When your gut contains more bad bacteria than good — with the bad ones being the gas-producing kind — excessive fermentation of carbohydrates may occur. When it does, it could lead to more trapped gas and bloating.
A probiotic supplement can help tip the balance back in your favor by helping you achieve a healthy microbial balance. Once your gut is back in balance, your bloating is likely to decrease.
2. Slow Down When You Eat
Eating foods too quickly can put significant stress on your digestive tract, causing it to function at non-optimal levels. If you regularly bloat after meals, consider slowing down. It would be best to chew each bite at least 20 times before swallowing.
3. Take Polisorb for Fast Relief
Polisorb contains just a single ingredient but can effectively beat the bloat within a matter of minutes. Polisorb is an enterosorbent, meaning it leaves the body once it completes its job. As it makes its way through the digestive tract, it attracts and attaches itself to toxins. It then pulls those toxins along the digestive tract with it. Once it exits the body, it takes the contaminants, too.
Polisorb is easy to take — simply mix two tablespoons with a glass of water. You can also take it with you anywhere you go, thanks to its slip, easy-to-carry packaging.
Fast Relief for Gas and Bloating Shop Polisorb
4. Be Mindful of Cruciferous Veggies
Cruciferous veggies are nutrient-dense, making them some of the best foods for you. However, because they contain a ton of fiber, they also happen to be some of the worst foods for gas and bloating. While you shouldn’t steer clear of these veggies, if you experience occasional or chronic bloating, consider limiting your portions for the time being.
If you don’t have it in you to reduce your kale intake, cook it! While cooking cruciferous vegetables will not minimize their fiber content, it can make it easier for your stomach to digest.
5. Trade Gum for Mints
Chewing in general causes you to swallow air, so when you chew a lot of gum, you’re swallowing more air than normal. Though it may be hard for you to give up your gum chewing habit — especially if you’re a life-long chewer — it may be worth it to eliminate the bloating. Mints provide the same, fresh-breath effects but without forcing you to take in excess oxygen.
6. Sip on Tea
Drinking tea in and of itself may not reduce bloating, but the herbs that teas are made of might. Certain herbs work wonders on digestive health, including but not limited to chamomile, peppermint, ginger, lemon balm, wormwood, spearmint and fennel. By drinking a few cups of herbal tea a day, you may be able to combat the effects of several bloat-causing agents. In addition to drinking tea, try to load your meals up with other bloat-fighting herbs, such as basil, cumin, dill and parsley.
7. Apply Heat
Another common gas remedy is to place a hot water bottle or heating pad on the stomach. If you don’t have either, consider taking a warm bath. The heat will relax the stomach muscles enough to get the digestive tract working faster. Once the digestive tract starts operating more efficiently, gas should start moving through the stomach, and you should achieve relief within 15 to 20 minutes.
8. Gentle Exercise
If you want to gain additional benefits in addition to relief from bloating and gas, go for a walk, run or bike ride. Even the most moderate forms of exercise can help speed the digestive tract along and expel gas more quickly. For optimal results, aim to exercise at a mild to moderate rate for about 30 minutes.
Gas and bloating can cause a significant amount of discomfort. The good news is that you don’t have to deal with either for very long. If you begin to experience abdominal pain, give one or all of the above remedies a try. They’re easy to incorporate and free but are almost guaranteed to yield positive results. Don’t forget to add Polisorb to your arsenal to complement your efforts.