In Time for the Holidays: Why (and How) Do I Do a Fall Detox?

Football, halloween, and pumpkin-spiced everything. It’s fall y’all! Read on to discover why fall detox should be part of that list right between infinity scarves and corn mazes.
Why Should You Detox After Your Summer Vacation?
First Steps To Reset Your Body
Fall is the perfect time to give your body a little TLC. Gone are the long, hot days of backyard beers, rooftop rum, and excusing a multitude of dietary sins with a bright "But I'm on vacation!!" After Labor Day, it's back to business as usual—for a little bit, at least.
That's why a detox in the fall is the perfect plan. You can use the lull in your social schedule between summer and Halloween to do an herbal cleanse. Your body will thank you for cleaning up after #EndlessSummer, and you’ll be ready to handle the indulgences of the holidays.
Benefits of a Pre-Holiday Detox
It's a myth that people gain weight over the holidays, but it's a fact that when most men and women eat, drink and be merry, they don't do it with carrots, hummus, and sparkling water. Over the holidays, you're far more likely to consume alcohol, spicy foods, sugar, and empty calories.
Enter the pre-holiday cleanse.
1-2 Weeks Before the Holidays
The six-week holiday gauntlet that begins with Thanksgiving and ends with New Year's Eve is a lot easier to run if you start the season with a clean slate. One to two weeks before the holidays kick off, decide how much time you have for a cleanse. Detoxify offers herbal cleanses to fit an array of timeframes.
Only have a day? Not a problem. Our Ready Clean, XXtra Clean, and Mega Clean detox drinks are all one-day cleanses. (They're also all pretty delicious)
If you have a little more latitude as you detox before the holidays, try our 10-Day Reset. For the first five days, you'll consume a serving of Polisorb three times a day and let this gut-cleaning superstar get your microbiome back on track before all those holiday parties.
Days six through 10, you'll switch to our Ever Clean Cleansing Blend and stick to a light diet (think lots of veggies, fruits, and fiber) with plenty of water. On your tenth and final day, you'll cap off your fall detox with our Ever Clean Intensive Cleanse.
10 Days to a Healthier You Shop the 10-Day Reset Now
What to Eat and Drink During the Cleanse
Did you notice we didn't say anything about fasting during your cleanse? Because Detoxify's line of cleanses is designed for rejuvenation, not deprivation. No cayenne pepper and lemon juice nonsense here. During your cleanse, you should eat regularly and healthily. Create a colorful plate full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
At the same time, you should avoid or restrict your intake of toxins such as alcohol, tobacco and sugar. There's no sense in cleaning your garage door if the neighbor kids are still firing paintballs at it, right?
November and December are the most wonderful time of the year for many, dotted with family dinners and plenty of parties. Get ahead of tummy trouble with a fall detox, and stop the holidays from wreaking havoc on your insides.