Partying Hard? Elderberry, Zinc and Cleansing Will Keep You From Using Your Sick Days

Saving your sick days for when you’re under the weather is one approach to taking time off. Another is banking those hard-earned hours to spend them on a weekend excursion to Vegas with your roommates or calling in sick when the next installment of Grand Theft Auto finally drops.
No matter how you spend your hours away from work, you probably don’t want to waste it nursing a hangover. Here’s how to cleanse your body from alcohol and get back on your feet fast, without burning time off on a queasy day of Netflix and bad naps.
Prepare Your Body for a Night of Partying
When a night out is on the horizon, preparation is key. To minimize a hangover, you need to take care of yourself—in all the ways you should be taking care of yourself already. That means:
- Getting plenty of sleep
- Staying hydrated
- Eating a healthy meal
- Taking your vitamins
Your body treats beer, wine, and liquor like toxins because that’s what they are. Hoppy, bubbly, and all-around delicious toxins that offer little to nothing in the way of usefulness to your health. As such, your body wants them gone faster than you can say “Long Island Iced Tea.” An entire night of partying takes a lot of energy, so the first step in curbing your hangover is making sure your body is well-rested, well-fed, and ready to fight before you leave home.
What to Take the Next Day
No matter how prepared you are to party, you may find yourself feeling less like a rock star and more like a pile of gravel the following morning. To stop headaches, nausea and other symptoms of overindulgence, turn to elderberry and zinc.
Why You Get Sick After Alcohol Indulgence & How Elderberry Can Help
Alcohol causes several effects that lead to uncomfortable, unpleasant post-drinking symptoms.1 Some of the reasons you might feel sick after overindulgence include:
- Slowed emptying of the stomach, increased stomach acid production, and stomach lining irritation, which contribute to nausea, vomiting, and indigestion
- System-wide inflammation, causing lack of interest in activities, loss of appetite, and difficulty with memory and focus
- Expanded blood vessels, causing headaches
- Low blood sugar can cause mood swings, weakness, and fatigue
- Frequent urination, which causes dehydration
Over time, drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis can reduce your immunity and affect your sleep. These effects leave you more vulnerable to colds and other illnesses since your body doesn't have the defenses it needs to fight off bacteria and viruses.
Elderberry & Immunity
Hangover symptoms and how hard they hit you depend on a variety of conditions, from your genes to what you drank. When inflammation is part of your post-party package, try elderberry. Both elderberry flowers and the berries themselves are full of vitamins and antioxidants that can turn down the volume of acute inflammation and the flu-like symptoms it can cause.
Cultures all over the world have used elderberries for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. These berries are the fruit of the European elder, a type of Sambucus tree, and can safely be consumed only when cooked.
In modern times, the plant remains a mainstay for cold and flu prevention because of its powerful immune effects. The leaves and berries are rich in nutrients that fight inflammation, including fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants like flavonols, phenolic acid, and anthocyanins. These ingredients help your body fight off disease-causing free radicals from toxins.
How Zinc Helps With Low Immunity & Hangovers
Like elderberries, zinc plays an important role in immune system support. In fact, it's a common supplement to prevent and decrease symptoms of cold and flu viruses. And, because this mineral also reduces inflammation, it may also provide an effective remedy for hangover symptoms.
Zinc encourages activity among the immune cells, which explains its status as a shield against infection and illness. It also reduces the impact of oxidative stress, which occurs when free radicals overwhelm the body's antioxidants. When this imbalance persists over time, it increases your risk for heart disease, cancer, and conditions that affect thinking and memory.2
Your body doesn't make zinc; we can get it from the foods we eat, including:
Elderberry & Immunity
Hangover symptoms and how hard they hit you depend on a variety of conditions, from your genes to what you drank. When inflammation is part of your post-party package, try elderberry. Both elderberry flowers and the berries themselves are full of vitamins and antioxidants that can turn down the volume of acute inflammation and the flu-like symptoms it can cause.
Several cultures across Europe and North America have used elderberry for ages, and not just to treat discomfort. It’s important to note, however, that you can’t just go chomping on raw elderberries. They’re toxic — and hard to find — when raw. If you want to try elderberry for hangover symptoms, opt for gummies, capsules, lozenges, or teas instead.
How Zinc Helps Hangovers
Another way to shorten hangover symptoms is to load up on zinc. Your body doesn’t produce it naturally, but the versatile mineral is fundamental to your overall health. Fortunately, it’s found in a variety of foods, including:
- Meat
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Whole grains
- Seeds
- Nuts
- Shellfish
It’s also available in supplement form, which is what you want on hand if you plan to go ham at that going-away party for your coworker. As you age, your body needs more help metabolizing alcohol. (Yes, that’s why your hangovers seem to be getting worse.) Because zinc helps your system convert ethanol into acetaldehyde, research suggests that zinc boosts your body’s overall ability to break down booze and eliminate it from your system.1
Ideally, you should take some zinc before you start tossing back the cocktails. Still, even if you wait until the following morning, your digestive system will thank you. There’s virtually no bad time to deploy zinc for hangover symptoms.
Not So Hungover Anymore
Elderberry and zinc aren’t the only weapons in your body’s hangover-fighting arsenal. You can also speed things up with a gentle cleanse. In fact, with Polisorb, you can start giving all those overpriced bleacher beers the boot the moment you get home from the game. It curbs hangover symptoms by removing alcohol from your system before it can cause harsh effects.
Polisorb itself doesn’t stay in your system, either. Instead, it attracts toxins like a magnet as it moves through your digestive tract, ushering those suckers out so you can make it to work Monday morning.
Herbal Cleanses
Another way to expedite your hangover symptoms is with an herbal cleanse. A detox drink makes three baller moves toward banishing the pain of an extra-fun Friday night:
- It rehydrates you faster than water.
- It supports your body’s natural cleansing processes, which are seriously taxed by tequila and its friends.
- It replenishes all those precious vitamins and minerals you lost right alongside your debit card. (We see you, zinc.)
Kiss your sick days goodbye with one of Detoxify’s ever-so-popular cleanses below:
Mega Clean
Mega Clean is a fan favorite formula that cleanses your circulatory and urinary systems. This potent detox drink hydrates and flushes your kidneys and liver for benefits that include glowing skin, sustained energy, improved sleep, and boosts your concentration and mood. We recommend Mega Clean if you need an immunity infusion to ward off cold and flu symptoms. Choose from two delicious flavors, grape and tropical, or try both to find your fave.
Ready Clean
If you want our OG detox formula, you need Ready Clean. This original blend provides all the benefits of Mega Clean plus a healthy dose of cranberry to ward off symptoms of urinary tract infection potentially created by frequent urination (like when you drink too much alcohol).
XXtra Clean
This option builds on the Mega Clean benefits with extra ingredients that soothe your mind and enhance your energy during detox, providing a much-appreciated mood boost. If you need to bring a bit of Zen to your life, this cleanse is for you.
Mega Clean NT
Try Mega Clean NT for the ultimate cleansing experience, no precleanse required. It's the perfect option for one-time toxin consumption when you need quick relief. The 32-ounce formula comes infused with Detoxify's exclusive Megaboost metabolism-increasing capsule.
Instant Clean
Speaking of detox in a snap, Instant Clean has what you need in the form of four sugar-free capsules with all the cleansing power of the full 32-ounce beverage. This Detoxify formula is a smart choice if you need to be aware of the amount of sugar in your diet.
Green Clean
Pick this potion for the only herbal cleanse that comes with support for your GI tract. Green Clean improves gut health while detoxing your systems in two convenient, easy-to-drink shooters with a concentrated cleanse.
Mighty Clean
For the strongest cleansing experience from Detoxify, Mighty Clean should be your go-to. Like Mega Clean NT, this formula comes with metabolism-amplifying MegaBoost. You’ll need to consume all three eight-ounce bottles for a comprehensive detox.
Ever Clean
If you want long-term results, Detoxify delivers with Ever Clean. This five-day formula provides an extended cleanse so you'll feel your best for days after you finish the directed regimen. You can rely on Ever Clean when it's been a while since your last detox or even when you're doing a cleanse for the first time.
No one looks back on their life and wishes they spent more time at work. If you want to spend a sick day under a pile of laundry doing a seventh re-watch of “Parks and Rec” and wondering who replaced your tongue with sandpaper, that’s your prerogative. If you want to bounce back from a good time and get back to the office so you can save that PTO, make smart choices, and treat your body well.
Avoid a Hangover? Yes Please! Shop Polisorb to Round-up Toxins Before They Cause a Hangover