Top Health Related New Year's Resolutions for 2022

Do you need inspiration for your healthy New Year's resolutions? If you want to improve your health in 2022, we've got you covered with this list of ways to get to or continue on the path to wellness in the coming year.
Get Creative in the Kitchen
Set a goal to try a new recipe every week and stock your kitchen with cookbooks to spark your cooking creativity. If eating healthy is a whole new ballgame for you, don't be discouraged! Everyone has to start somewhere. Try trading out processed items for whole foods such as fruits, veggies, and grains.
In 2019, the University of California Davis published this list of healthy foods everyone should eat:
- Beets, which contain immunity-boosting compounds called carotenoids
- Leafy greens like spinach for healthy vision
- Nutrient-rich kale for lower cholesterol and reduced disease risk
- Almonds for vitamin E to protect the eyes as we age
- Peanut butter for the perfect mix of carbs, sugars and protein after a workout
- Fish such as salmon and tuna for their disease-fighting omega-3 fatty acids
- Cauliflower, broccoli and other cruciferous veggies to help the body remove toxins
- Mangos, which contain tons of fiber and a plethora of vitamins and nutrients
- Blueberries to amplify your intake of antioxidants and fiber
- Quinoa if you're looking for a whole grain with lots of protein
- Beans for a flavorful side dish, snack or main that keeps you full
Incorporate these fresh foods into your meals as a shortcut to a more nutritious diet.
Begin New Forms of Self Care
Resolve to reconnect with yourself in 2022 with a dedicated self-care regimen. If you've thought about therapy, take that first step and make an appointment, even if it feels scary. Want to spend more time in nature? Investigate trails in your area or join a local hiking group. Self-care can be as simple as downloading a meditation playlist or podcast and getting into the habit of daily mindfulness. You might have to try a few different methods of caring for your mind, body, and spirit before you reach a routine that works for you.
Make More Time For Reading
Books provide benefits beyond building knowledge, so increasing your reading time deserves a place on our list of health resolutions. A 12-year study from Yale University associated reading for more than three-and-a-half hours a week with a longer lifespan, possibly reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by improving brain cell connections.
Use Your Vacation Time
Even if you simply stay home and do nothing, taking your paid vacation time can prevent you from burning out on the job. Time off from work to recharge lowers stress, enhances heart health, and reduces the risk of anxiety and depression. Some studies show that people who take vacations have more motivation, better family relationships, and lower levels of burnout.
Practice Gratitude
Noticing and showing appreciation for the beautiful things in your life can improve your physical and mental health. Taking a few minutes each day to write down or otherwise note the things for which you're thankful can potentially improve your mood, relationships and outlook on life. Wake up and smell the roses.
Cleanse Your Body
If you've never tried a cleanse before (or even if you have), make detoxification one of your top new year's resolutions. All-in-one solutions like the cleansing bundles from Detoxify make it easy to get started.
Amazing things happen when you pair Detoxify herbal cleanses with Polisorb. Detoxify herbal cleanses help kickstart your body’s natural cleansing systems (think: urinary, circulatory and digestive), while Polisorb helps remove anything lingering in your digestive tract—effectively resetting your gut microbiome.
In general, our cleanses are designed to work indiscriminately on any toxin in your body. Whether you want to get the sugar out of your system after the indulgence of the holiday season or reset your gut health to banish bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms, there’s a solution for you. Get started with our Beginner’s Guide to Cleansing.
Choosing your cleanse with Detoxify is easy. No need to worry about weight or BMI, just choose your herbal cleanse based on the level of toxicity—average, high, or maximum.
And, eat (almost) anything you want. Detoxify products don’t require fad diets or rumbling stomachs. Indulge in light meals high in fiber, fruits, and veggies, and drink plenty of water. Skip the drive-thru and you’re all good.
10 Days to a Cleaner You Shop Detoxify 10-Day Reset
Here Comes the Sun(light)
The limited daylight during the winter months can lead to feelings of depression and dread. If you notice changes in your mental health when the days get shorter, consider incorporating sunlight therapy into your daily routine. Exposure to artificial light positively affects brain chemicals that influence mood, sleep, and appetite.
Look for a high-quality light therapy box with good recommendations and use it for about 20 to 30 minutes a few times a day consistently for the best results. You may notice that you feel fewer symptoms of sadness and depression. Light therapy can also regulate your sleep, which has health benefits in and of itself.
Create "Anti-Resolutions"
Instead of adding to your routine, resolve to drop anything that drains your energy in the new year. This one is especially important if you constantly find you're spreading yourself too thin. Try to let go of old ideas and unwanted habits, starting with the things that have the most significant negative impact on your life. If you have trouble shedding toxicity, try a simple ritual such as lighting a candle or saying a few words to create a sense of closure.
Set Realistic Goals
Try to release the expectation to make big changes overnight. Instead, set achievable objectives toward those major goals to stay motivated. Be as specific as possible to track your progress as you push yourself toward the finish line. For example, don't resolve to "work out more" or "create an exercise routine."
Instead, set a goal of taking a 10-mile bike ride three times a week (insert your activity here, of course). When you get there, you can increase your performance and level up to the next phase of your progress.
Speaking of small, achievable goals, you don't need to wait a whole year before you make strides toward healthy living. Review and evaluate your progress as you work toward one of more of these resolutions (or make your own) to make wellness a part of your everyday life.