Upset Stomach, Diarrhea? Common Causes & 4 Ways To Relieve Symptoms Without The Pink Stuff

Upset stomach and diarrhea may seem like mild symptoms in the grand scheme of things. The truth is that both symptoms can drastically interfere with your daily life, especially when chronic. If you know this all too well, you may wonder what causes upset stomach and diarrhea and, more importantly, what you can do to achieve relief once and for all. Below explore a few of the more common causes of stomach upset and how to nix it for good.
Common Causes of Upset Stomach & Diarrhea
An upset stomach can have a number of causes, ranging from irritable bowel syndrome to stress and anxiety. To do away with chronic discomfort, it’s important to address the symptoms and the underlying cause. Some common causes of upset stomach and diarrhea include:
- Fish
- Eggs
- Puddings and applesauce
- Chicken
- Noodles and rice
- Cream of wheat
- Yogurt and cottage cheese
- Bananas
- Steamed veggies and canned fruit
- Mashed potatoes
Other factors contributing to stomach upset include medications, smoking, overindulging in alcohol, sugar, chocolate, or carbonated beverages, overeating, and fatty, greasy, or spicy foods.1
Relief of Upset Stomach and Diarrhea
To experience true relief from digestive discomfort and all the uncomfortable symptoms that come with it, you need to eliminate the cause from your life. This can mean saying no to that next glass of wine or prioritizing stress relief in your day-to-day life, you can achieve long-lasting comfort with a few lifestyle changes. In the meantime, start with the following stomach relief tips.
Stick to Low Fiber Foods
Though bursting with flavor, greasy, fatty and fried foods are also bursting with macronutrients that the stomach has difficulty digesting. This is also the case with highly seasoned foods, certain caffeinated beverages and select dairy products. As a result, foods that fall into these categories sit in the stomach for a long time, triggering gas and bloating, stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.2
If your diet is rich in heavy, flavorful foods — and if, as a result, you live with chronic stomach upset — consider changing it up for a bit and only eating bland foods. Some items to add to your temporary menu include the following:
- Fish
- Eggs
- Puddings and applesauce
- Chicken
- Noodles and rice
- Cream of wheat
- Yogurt and cottage cheese
- Bananas
- Steamed veggies and canned fruit
- Mashed potatoes
After a week on this diet, your gut bacteria should be back into balance and your stomach feeling better.
Take an Enterosorbent
An enterosorbent is a supplement targeting and binding to (-sorbent) toxins and other unwanted materials within your intestines (entero-), and then carries them out of your body. The term “enterosobent” is relatively new, but the materials that make up this group are not.3
Enterosorbents are great for full body cleanses and for relief of loose bowels, bloating and upset stomach. Enterosorbents differ from other cleanses in that they don’t clear the digestive tract of everything; rather, they only cleanse it of toxic and harmful substances.
There are a few enterosorbents on the market, including charcoal. At the height of the charcoal craze (You know, when it was in everything from toothpaste to pizza?), charcoal was marketed as a cleansing agent. However, not only is it unsafe in high levels but also, it is ineffective at removing everyday toxins such as alcohol and heavy metals. Fortunately, there are other and better options.
Polisorb contains silicon dioxide, which is similar to the adsorbent in activated charcoal. However, unlike natural charcoal, it is purified for safe internal use as an enterosorbent. Moreover, Polisorb is designed to pass through your body, pick up toxins that cause tummy aches and carry them out, all without being absorbed or digested. Polisorb works quickly and can provide relief in as little as 15 minutes.
What about the pink stuff, though? Though Pepto Bismol is Mom and Grandma’s favorite tummy relief medicine, it only treats the symptoms and not the underlying cause. Polisorb, on the other hand, flushes your digestive tract of toxins for long-term relief.
Better than the Pink Stuff Shop Polisorb
Probiotics are naturally occurring friendly bacteria that, when consumed, have numerous health benefits. The most significant of those benefits occur within the gut.4
Probiotics colonize the gut with beneficial microorganisms that help to restore and maintain optimal gut health. You can buy supplements that contain probiotics or fill your diet with foods that naturally contain them. Those include yogurt, tempeh, sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi.
If you believe that your stress and anxiety are causing your stomach upset, take time out of your day to meditate and engage in relaxation exercises. Research shows a strong link between stress and poor gut health and vice versa — between happiness and strong gut health. If stress is weighing you down, set aside time to do some yoga, perform deep breathing exercises and meditate.
Gut health can drastically affect your comfort, mood, and overall quality of life. Take steps to restore and maintain optimal gut health, beginning today.