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Bloating doesn’t have to be inevitable.

Occasional bloating is not always a cause for concern. While it can be uncomfortable, it likely resolves itself. If you notice the issue is persistent, you probably spend a significant amount of time wondering how to de-bloat the constant bloating? Before diving into seven potential solutions, it’s necessary to understand underlying causes or potential triggers.

Common Triggers for Bloating

While most people assume bloating is a symptom of digestive problems, sometimes it results from something else entirely. There are three primary causes of bloating.

1. Digestive Issues

Digestion plays a significant role in bloating.1 Typically, when your belly feels swollen after eating, it is due to excess gas production. However, there are also possible disturbances in your digestive system's muscles, leading to discomfort and feelings of fullness. In addition to bloating, other symptoms of digestive issues include diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, or even problems swallowing. 


2. Diet

Sometimes, bloating is the result of dietary choices.2 Rich and fatty foods can lead to feelings of being overstuffed. High-fat foods take longer to digest, resulting in the stomach being full for longer. That fullness contributes to bloated feelings. In addition to high-fat foods, there are several other types that can cause bloating and gas. Everybody knows that beans are likely to cause bloating, but so do carbonated beverages, wheat, barley, and onions. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are also known for causing people to feel too full. Dairy, alcohol, and even apples can also make your stomach feel overly full.

3. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal shifts or imbalances can also lead to bloating.3 Estrogen, a fluid retaining hormone, can often cause bloating, especially when out of synch with progesterone, a diuretic. Most women experience hormonal bloating as a perimenopausal symptom or right before getting their period. Luckily, these hormonal changes and the resulting bloat are usually temporary. 

How To Relieve Bloating

Now that we've covered the possible reasons as to why you're enduring consistent bloating, lets jump into the many ways you can relieve it!

1. Water and Walking

Since bloating can stem from water retention or digestive issues, increasing your water intake and going for a walk after a meal can help. If you are not drinking enough, your body will hold onto water to maintain function, possibly leading to bloating.4 The movement from a simple exercise actually aids in digestion. Read about some of our favorite ways to incorporate water into your daily routine!

Additionally, the movement from simple exercise actually aids in digestion. Whether you're taking the dog for a quick walk around the block or you have bigger plans in mind, any kind of movement is good for your body and to ease the troubles related to bloating. Are you getting tired of the same old routine? Why not spend time checking out your local parks' trails? Even something as simple as driving to a new neighborhood and walking around can renew your interest in getting exercise and therefore easing the symptoms of bloating.

2. Incorporate Supplements and Enterosorbents

Your gut microbiome is key for maintaining good digestive health. Helpful bacteria occur naturally in your gut, but so do bad bacteria. Sometimes your digestive system needs a little help to maintain the balance of the good and bad bacteria, and expel disruptors. Enter: enterosorbents—like Polisorb. Polisorb’s job is to work its way through your digestive tract, binding to the molecules, toxins, bacteria, and chemicals causing gastric distress and removing them. Even if you aren't feeling bloated at a particular time, using enterosorbents regularly can be beneficial for boosting your overall health. Use them about once a month for the best results.

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3. Keep a Food Diary

Many people experience food intolerances contributing to digestive distress and bloating. It’s not always apparent which foods are leading to your bloating. By keeping a food diary, you can track your meals and snacks, as well as the way you feel afterward, to help you find any possible themes or links. Remember, for a food diary to be helpful, you'll need to be mindful about tracking everything you eat. This way, you'll start to notice patterns about the foods you choose and which ones are making you feel bloated.

If you're tracking your food and still aren't sure which one is the culprit, try removing the suspects and adding them back into your diet one by one until you find the one that is causing issues. You can choose to track your food with traditional pen and paper or opt for one of the many apps that help you to do it right from your smartphone.

4. Focus on Self-Care

The stress hormone cortisol can decrease oxygen and blood flow to your digestive tract, resulting in inflammation, cramping, and bloating. Cortisol also controls mood, fear, and even motivation. The many ways the stress hormone affects your body is why it is so important to practice self-care for stress relief.
Meditation, exercise, and socialization are incredibly effective tools for reducing stress. Meditating can be performed the traditional way, with breathing exercises or chanting, or you can focus on the moment, letting problems slip away. For exercising, try something fun and not grueling, like cycling, walking, or taking up yoga. Finally, look for opportunities to be with friends and family, and find moments to laugh and enjoy life.

5. Eat Your Superfoods

While food can lead to bloating, it can also treat it. Try adding a few potassium-rich foods into your diet:5

  • Oranges
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Kiwis
  • Pistachios 

Other superfoods include berries, green tea, legumes, nuts and seeds, and even salmon. Adding some superfoods that aren't known to create bloating to your diet may even improve your overall health.

6. Lower Your Sodium Intake

Too much sodium is never a good thing. One side effect is water retention, leading to occasional bloating. It’s best to limit sodium, especially if you’re experiencing consistent problems. You might be shocked to learn just how much sodium is in the food you eat, even when you don't taste it or add it to your food yourself. To avoid purchasing items that are high in sodium, look for fresh or frozen vegetables or choose packaged items that specifically state there is no added salt. Read labels to compare foods and avoid buying prepared meals if they have more than 600 milligrams of sodium per serving. 

7. Practice Mindful Eating

Sometimes, bloating is the result of eating too fast, which causes you to eat much more than you realize. Mindful eating requires eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, acknowledging every bite,  taking your time, and not burdening your digestive system. Bloating is not inevitable.6

There are several ways to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of consistent bloating, but you likely need to understand the underlying cause of your bloat. Take the time to find the best solution for you.